Footsteps on the Island of Enchantment
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Family Photo Album

Here are some of the members of my family, including me, of course.


Mom and Me

This is my Mom with me. We were visiting my brother Michael in Dorado when this was taken. Mom is no longer with us, but she will always live in our hearts.

She loved her flower garden. She had a green thumb. I have never had nor will have a green thumb.

Anyone who ever came to my Mom for help of some kind never left empty handed. She had a great heart, my Mom.

My Mom


This is a picture of my father and mother on my graduation day. Rosemarie and Ruben are one of my nieces and nephews. The graduation took place in the Sheraton Hotel in Condado.


In this one my nieces Fanny and Candy have been added. Fanny is between my father and I and Candy is next to my mother.

My brother and I - Age 16

This was my Whitelaw Ried J.H.S. graduation at age 14 in 1957. This was in Brooklyn, N.Y..

Soccer Players

After seventeen years of living together Cary and Eric decided they wanted to enter the state of Holy Matrimony and got married for their children's sake and for their own. Their children were the bestmen and the bridesmaid and the flower girl. We call it the WEDDING OF THE MILLENIUM. They got married on February 14, 2000 (Valentine's Day). It was a beautiful ceremony. They make a beautiful picture, don't they. The girls are Belmary and Erika and the boys are Christian and Eric Manuel.

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