Footsteps on the Island of Enchantment
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Vacation Photo Album

Here are some pictures from a recent vacation I took.

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Here I am standing in Spain. Behind me is the Minho River and Portugal. It's the closest I have ever gotten to being in two places at the same time.


Everyone got up when the bullfighter was wounded and was taken out on the stretcher. We were all worried about the poor guy. I'm the one at the left and my three Spanish friends are with me. The one at the right is Maria Luisa.

This was a bullfight in Toledo, Spain. The bullfighter ended up being taken out on a stretcher because he stepped on one of the knives that had fallen on the ground with one foot and it cut through his other foot. In one side and out the other. So this was one of the few occasions where the bull gets to win.

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Here we are, my two friends Grace, Mary and I in Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City.

This is Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. You can see someone flying through the air being pulled by a boat. A lot of fun!Everyone does it, but no way, not me. I wouldn't dare get up in the air like that. It's much safer on the ground. We had fun just looking. Let somebody else break his neck. Not us.


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